Thursday, February 24, 2011

Loving the Downtrodden

By: Stephanie Cheng, former Doulos member (Class of 2010)

Read: Luke 19: 1-9

As I begin to write this devotional, I’m finding it very hard to choose what to write about. Ben was the one who was leading prayer when I realized that Jesus had died on the cross for me and made the decision to give my life for Him. Ben was the one who encouraged my involvement in the youth group and outreach to my friends and families. Ben was also the one who baptized me last year. But, the one thing about Ben that sticks out to me the most is his compassion. During his time at WCAC, he would invest his time and prayers for each and everyone one of us. Ben realized the potential in all of us and would become involved in our lives not simply because he is called to but because he cares.

I remember last year on a ridiculously cold day, a few of us went to Chicago to hand out sandwiches to homeless people. After giving someone a sandwich, we would ask them if there was anything they would like us to pray for. We would then pray for them. But Ben took it one step further. With each person, he would talk to them, getting to know them. Ben’s compassion carries over from the people he has formed relationships with to these strangers that he probably will never see again.

This reminds me of the parable in Luke 19: 1-9. Similarly, to how Jesus sought out Zacchaeus who everyone else viewed as an outcast, Ben sought to form relationships with these downtrodden people. Ben too, saw beyond the superficial and societal labels, and saw these people through God’s eyes. We should follow this example that Ben has set for us. I encourage you to try this out next time you see someone. Don’t start judging them by worldly standards and their appearances. But, instead see them for the person that God sees them as and loves.

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