Friday, June 11, 2010

Devo Worshiping God

Throughout my life, I have never really stuck to one thing. I’ve practiced a lot of sports, played a lot of instruments, and I’ve even tried some martial arts. But one thing that I have stuck to is worshiping God. From when I was ye high to now, I have been coming to Church. Now people would say that my parents forced me to go. Well, yes, when I was little. I would threaten not to go to Sunday Service and they would threaten to not feed me. So of course I went. But now, my parents don’t even attend the same Church as I do. So that’s why I don’t to WCAC anymore… I’m just kidding. I still come. And I feel that is important for all of us to stay connected to a Church
As we as believers get older and start heading off in different directions in life, it is important to stay connected to a body of believers. If it’s easy now to sleep in through Sunday service, then how will you be when you go to college? Oh I can just change later, no big deal. But I’m telling you as everybody else says, old habits die hard.

Read John 15:1-17

Ok, so we are the branches, Jesus is the true vine, and God is the gardener. If a branch is not connected to the vine, the branch will wither and eventually die. I don’t’ mean that if we aren’t connected to Jesus, we’re going to go into a fetal position and then wither up and die. I mean that our spiritual lives will suffer. After all, it’s sort of hard to be a Christian without Christ.
Just because we go to Sunday service every Sunday doesn’t mean our spiritual lives are all fine and dandy. A lot of people go to attend a Church service just like people go to the bathroom, or the mall, or to school. That doesn’t necessarily make them a true follower. Same deal with devotionals, prayer, and quiet time. Just because we do these things every day doesn’t necessarily make us a true follower. Anybody can do the act of prayer or going to Church or devotionals. But what matters is our hearts towards God.
We must realize that it’s all about God because who are we compared to Him? We are nobodies! Yet he extended his grace and love towards us so we can be saved through Him. Our actions should reflect that. We love Him because He first loved us. We live for Him because He died for us. We are responding to God’s goodness to us.

I want you to reflect upon the promise he makes through this passage.
“Remain in me, and I will remain in you.”

Now go and bear fruit.

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