Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Devotion from a Super Busy Person

I’m a super busy person. So busy that a good chunk of my day is spent trying to figure out how to fit all the “busy-ness” together in my planner, and then when I’m not doing that I’m constantly going over my schedule in my head. While all this may appear OCD-ish, an affliction of only a select few, I assure you that everyone has at one point or another felt like this before.
It’s a weird sensation being ridiculously busy- trying to finish one task just so you can get to the next. In fact often times you become so focused on completing your to-do list that you neglect the help others offer you because you feel that it’s easier to work alone, that there isn’t any time to explain what is going on to others. You feed off of that check or that scratch-out line as you complete a task. And while you feel like you’re missing out on the nuances of life, you justify it in getting pity from those you complain to. In fact you somehow find ways to complain despite how busy you are, “Ugh, I can’t (insert name of person your complaining to), I’m super busy”.
Everything is fine and dandy, albeit busy, until you crack under the load of all that you have to do. And then you really start to complain, “This sucks so much! Why do I have to do everything and work so hard while everyone is out there having fun?!”
Read Luke 10: 38-42
When we become bitter and angry at all the work we have to do we lose focus on what is truly important. Because we are so wrapped up in the busy-ness of life we are distracted from our number one priority- Jesus and our relationship with him. Like Martha we may end up simply complaining/whining to Jesus, “God don’t you care that everyone is having fun but me? Won’t you tell them to help me?” or even, “Look at how hard I’m working, I’m much more diligent then those people.”
This is not what God wants to hear from you, not only are you not depending on him for strength through the busy-ness, but you also look down on others who do not “have it as bad” as you.
God knows when we are busy. And we should know that nothing is impossible through Him; that when we look to him as our number one priority everything else will fall in place. However this does not mean that the rest of your life is smooth sailing, in fact it most likely will become even more busy and hectic. So keep your planners, schedules, and to-do list, but most importantly remember to keep your focus on God -for He is the rock that you should cling to when you feel in over your head.

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