Saturday, May 26, 2012

Who's Got The Power? - Jeremiah 10

Read Jeremiah 10

Growing up in America, I think we sometimes struggle with the concept of God vs. idols. In our minds an idol is an object, so when we read a passage like this it’s easy for us to focus in on the fact that idols are just made and don’t have power. That is true, but it isn’t really addressing the issue. Some of us might try and make it relevant for us. Maybe we think of sports as an idol, or surfing the net, or grades, or . . . fill in the blank. That may also be true, but it’s also not addressing the bigger issue. Some might realize that idols is a bigger issue, because maybe all of our extended families aren’t Christian and maybe some of them worship idols or have an altar in their house or work. Some of them might even burn paper money to ancestors. What’s really going on? How does our understanding of this help us to understand what God was saying to Israel through Jeremiah?

First off, let’s pick out some passages and look at them:

Jer.10:2 “or be terrified by signs in the sky, though the nations are terrified by them.”
10: 5 “Do not fear them; they can do no harm nor can they do any good.”
10:6 “ [of God] your name is mighty in power”
10:12 “God made the earth by his power; . . .by his wisdom . . . by his understanding”

The things that Israel was doing in following the idols of other nations was about who had power. They must have believed that the sun, moon, and stars had actual powers and so they worshipped them, but this only brought them fear. They wanted to have power to influence their own lives by placating these idols. People feared these gods that they worshipped. That is why they even went so far as to burn their children alive as sacrifices to these idols. They actually believed this idol was a spirit. It’s not so different from burning money to ancestors if you also believe ancestors control fate. What God was saying through Jeremiah, was that these idols that they were turning away from him to worship, not only had no power, but that God is actually the one in control; and because of that we don’t need to have any fear. God is the one who has the power! Let’s take this idea out and apply it to us. What are our idols? Do we watch sports because they can influence our fate? Maybe, but probably not. Computer? Maybe, but maybe not. These can demonstrate wrong priorities in large quantities, but as for us fearing them and letting them rule over our lives and looking to them to determine our fate? Not completely likely. How about us? Do you feel like you need to have constant control over your life? What do you try and do to maintain control? How could that be an idol? What are you afraid of? I’m speaking more of insecurities and deep fears. What do you do to control or contain it? These are more likely the idols. As Jeremiah prays at the end of Chapter 10, “I know, O LORD, that a man’s life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps.” God is there for the big things in life, and also for the everyday things. We don’t need to turn to idols or ourselves for this because he is in control, he has the power, and he loves us enough send Christ as our Savior. Let’s turn to him and continue to do it daily!

Dear God,
Help me to let you have all of me, every part of my life. Show me where I have trusted in myself or in other idols instead of turning to you. Take them Jesus, I willingly give you these areas of my life. Be the one who is always in control of me, and help me to turn to you for the important things and the small decisions so that all of what I live for reflects your glory. Amen.

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