Monday, May 7, 2012

A Prophet to the Nations - Jeremiah 1

A Prophet to the Nations

Jeremiah 1

We are starting a new devo series through the book of Jeremiah. As we begin our journey through this prophet's writings, there's two things I'd encourage you to do: pray and ask God to speak to you as you study the book of Jeremiah and then read through Jeremiah as a whole (as much as you can in one sitting)

We are being introduced to the prophet Jeremiah who was a priest (a religious leader) even before God called him to be a prophet (one who speaks on behalf of God) His ministry spanned several years and various kings, addressing various situations in Judah before their captivity. But here in chapter 1, we are introduced to Jeremiah himself.

Read Jeremiah 1 twice through. The first time, write down anything that God puts on your mind as you read. The second time, write down what God is telling Jeremiah about Jeremiah.

What an amazing exchange between God and Jeremiah! God tells Jeremiah [my paraphrase], "I knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb, before you were born I set you apart and made you to be my spokesperson to the world." There is intimacy and purpose in God's design for Jeremiah. How do you think Jeremiah felt when he heard that?

I think back to how God calls flawed and unlikely people for his Kingdom purposes. Men like Moses and Gideon and even Jeremiah were a little flustered, a little fearful when God called them. Jeremiah responds in that fear, saying "I don't know what to say, and i'm too young!" But again, God reassures Him. God addresses each of Jeremiah's fears specifically.

When Jeremiah says, "I am only a youth," God responds, "I am with you...My presence is upon you, not only did I know you and set you apart, but I'm with you. You're not alone."

When Jeremiah says "I do not know how to speak," God responds "I have put my words in your speak with My authority."

God is speaking to Jeremiah in an incredible way. Right from the start, He tells Jeremiah three things to remind Jeremiah of who he was made to be. God's purpose. God's presence. God's authority. Jeremiah's ministry and calling is rooted in those three things. This is how the book of Jeremiah starts. Anyone reading this cannot deny that whatever comes in the next 51 chapters is being said by God through His servant Jeremiah. He was made to be "a prophet to the nations."

So what then for us? Jeremiah's not all that different from us. He's young and God called him to do something. God is calling us to take part in His kingdom work. In the midst of whatever is keeping us from doing that, God wants to remind you of His purpose, His presence, and His authority in your life.

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