Thursday, May 10, 2012

In the Times of Struggle - Jeremiah 4

In The Times Of Struggle

Take a moment to prepare your hearts for God’s word.

Now read Jeremiah chapter 4 while keeping in mind God’s judgment and just how much he longs to have an intimate relationship with us.

In the first few verses, up to verse 4, a call is made for change otherwise there will be great destruction. God says to Judah and Jerusalem to root themselves in the Lord. They are called to “Break up your fallow ground, and sow not among thorns” (verse 3). Even though the conditions aren’t ideal for God’s word to be established in their lives, it is still what they are called to do and they are being reminded that they should not wait for ideal conditions to build a relationship with God. Verse 4 continues to describe how the men of Judah and Jerusalem should live; they are to be active in changing their lives. Although Deuteronomy 30:6 says “The Lord they God will circumcise thy heart,” we need the mindset of longing to change our lives and to devote them to God.

Take a moment and meditate on how God is calling you to change your life, specifically, what is God challenging you to throw away, and how can you let God fill that space?

Now reread verse 5 to 18. In these verses, the coming disaster and judgment is described. The people are warned to take safety, even though there is no real place where God’s judgment cannot reach. I personally take these verses as a challenge to not lose hope in times when God’s grace and love seem to go extinct. There will be troubled times in our lives, and times where we will have to go through great struggles, but God has a great plan for us and greater things are yet to come. Meditate on these questions, what are some of the times of struggle recently that you have had to or are going through? How can you grow in your relationship with God because of those times?

The relationship that we have with God goes two ways however, he wants us to express everything to him and he will respond. Reread verses 19 to 22 and focus on the motivation behind what Jeremiah is saying. The people are expressing their grief, and are crying out to God. And God responds by reminding them that their nation will not be ended despite the intense punishment that God let happen to them, “The whole land shall be a desolation; yet will I not make a full end” (verse 27). He still cares deeply for his people. In the last verses of this chapter, Jeremiah describes how helpless Judah is; however, they are reminded that God has a great plan for them. During this time of God just letting loose on Judah, the people do not just give up. They cry out to God, and they are reminded that God is working in their lives and that they are not alone.

Now take a moment and meditate on the message of this chapter. Reread if it helps. What parts apply to your life and how can you grow in your walk with God?

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