Tuesday, March 2, 2010

God Wiser than Judge Judy or Judge Milian

Last week, we had our passage that allowed us to see that God is Stronger than Chuck Norris. We get to this passage in 1 Corinthians 6 and understand that we are talking about the courts and law. So now a days, when I think about those things, I think about the Supreme Court but also Judge Judy or Judge Milian from the People’s Court. I actually like Judge Milian. She is strong, knows the law, and I think she uses a lot of wisdom. However, here we see the call for the judicial process should work within the church rather than outside it. If we are Christians (because remember this is written to the church and people that are calling themselves believers to avoid division), then why are you bringing your case to the secular world to rule and judge. They don’t rule with godly wisdom or judgment. Here is where we get to our title – God is wiser than Judge Judy or Judge Milian.

Read 1 Corinthians 6:1-11

I want us to turn to the NIV Application Commentary for a little explanation. “Paul makes two main points: (1) if disputes require intervention, it should occur within the Christian community; and (2) it is even better to accept being wronged than to demand recompense in either a secular or a Christian context. Verses 2 -3 present parallel examples of the logic of arguing “from the greater to the lesser.” Drawing on Daniel 7:22, Paul reminds the Corinthians that they will help Jesus exercise judgment over the non-Christian world (both people and angels). Surely, therefore, they must be competent to handle earthly disputes in their own midst. “Trivial cases” (v. 2) does not mean that the Corinthian litigation did not involve serious offenses, merely that all human litigation is trivial when viewed in the light of Judgment Day.”

So we come to the “so what” part of reflecting on this passage. We have to see this passage is about how we carry ourselves as a Christian community and reflections of God. Read 1 Corinthians 6:11 again and we see that we were transformed and changed by Christ and His blood. So if we truly know this, then we should live lives that reflect that and can be seen in our own community. When people outside the church look at us, they should see a people that are living and reflecting Jesus to one another. Are we doing that? Do we truly show Christ in all our relationships with one another in the church. If we don’t, then the people outside the church point right away that this group is no different than those outside the church.
Thus, we must reflect, how are we truly living in reflection of Jesus and a life changed. That should completely allow us to exercise love, kindness, and grace to one another. So, here is your application – GO DO IT!

Tuesday: Pray for your family
Ask God how your family can be a light to the community around you

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