Friday, January 1, 2010

Core value CMA Part 5 - Great Commission


Completing the Great Commission requires mobilizing every fully devoted disciple.

Read and Reread Matthew 28:18-20
I have been in such awe to see the ways God partners and uses us. I mean take a minute and think about it. The Creator of the universe who is almighty and infinite has allowed us to partner and participate in building His kingdom. That is how personal and relational our God is. We know come to the passage known as the Great Commission. Before the Great Commission is given though, Scripture tells us of the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40). All that God calls us to do in this world comes to these two things: Love God with everything and then love one another. Simple right? But without these things, we need not even think about the Great Commission. God first loved us and with this love we are called to love God and then love others which leads us to do the Great Commission. In the Great Commission Jesus tells us that He has all authority in heaven and earth. Then God calls us to GO. We must go. We are to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and to teach them to obey everything that he commanded us to do. Lastly, he says, I will be with you always. What an amazing promise that Jesus will be with us always to the very end of the age. We thus must see how God is calling us to do His work? I truly believe God has been using our youth group and calling us to build His Kingdom. However, have we mobilized every fully devoted disciple in our group. I think we often think, I will leave that up to someone else in our group to do the service project, or help with worship/praise, or pray, or cook for senior celebration…but we must mobilize everyone and allow them to see what a blessing it is to serve God and be used by Him.

How have you been an instrument of God to build His Kingdom?

How have you helped get others involved in building His Kingdom?

Prayer Calendar
Friday: Pray for the Church (Big C)
1 It’s the first day of the new year!!! Pray for the Universal Church as we enter into a new year. That we can become one body in Christ.

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