Friday, December 25, 2009


God’s devastating acceptance and our unthinkable freedom

Read this verse a couple of time and really let it sink in:

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

I hope you have enjoyed your journey through the book of Galatians. I know it has been enriched experience for those that have been preparing these. God’s devastating acceptance and love for us is so overwhelming. But instead of feeling this guilt that hinders us from getting closer and closer to God, we hopefully have found this unthinkable freedom in our lives.

This is an important place for us to begin this upcoming school year. We have to find freedom in Christ and not this feeling like we are going to be tied to a sinful life. God doesn’t want us to live these lives that continue to remember our old life and our life of sin and continue to fall back into that living. God rather wants us to have a new life with Christ, transformed and desiring so much to be FREE!!!! Not the kind of free that we can do whatever we want, but a freedom from following after Christ. It seems we lose freedom if we live by God’s rules and regulations. But once you have experienced a taste of God, you know that these rules and regulations are there not to bind us and keep us from “fun”, but they are given rather to protect us and guide us to true peace and joy in God. Also, hopefully as you have gone through the different passages from Galatians, you saw Paul’s PASSION to make sure you new the true way to God. That is through Jesus only. We don’t act like a Christian, or follow all these rules so that God will love and accepted us. It is God loves us and has given us Jesus, so that we are able to be loved and accepted if we place our faith in Him. So the response of Jesus in our lives is this desire to follow and obey Christ.

So take some time reflect on God’s love for you. Do you have a passion like Paul does to make sure that people truly understand that you can’t earn God’s love, but you must accept God’s love and see the ways it transforms you to live lives that are obedient and shine for God? How can you get there?

Friday: Pray for the Church (Big C)
Its Christmas!! Thank God for Jesus, and how he died for everybody! Without him there would be no Church

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