Tuesday, December 29, 2009

CMA Core Value # 2 - • Prayer

Prayer is the primary work of the people of God.

Read and reread Philippians 4:6-7
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I believe we all believe in prayer. I believe we all don't fully understand prayer. I believe we all struggle with prayer. But i think we all know that prayer is so important and essential so I hope that all of us strive to seek after a prayerful lifestyle. The reason being :Prayer is the primary work of the people of God.

I remember our missionary Evan Evans speaking to us giving testimony of prayer amongst Jr Highers in Africa. They invited the Spirit to come and join their small group and God did amazing things thru their consistent and fervent hearts for prayer. They just made themselves available. Are we making ourselves available?

I am here at Urbana and I was helping setup the bookstore. One of the books on discount for $1 is an audiobook "too busy not to pray". I thought to myself, wow what a great idea. There are people so busy they can't even read a book so give them an audiobook. But then why discount for $1, so more people can have this great resource or because no one is buying it? I think it is the later. We don't make prayer a priority of our lives or of our hearts. We make it an afterthought. Oh we should pray, or we need something from God - let's pray.

So let's pray. However let's find prayer a passion of our heart for our walks with God as individuals and as a group. Be challenged to seek after others that will pray with you. We are going to invite people to join a program we are going to call People in Prayer. If you are interested, sign up on the youth group door. Each week you will be given a different person that you will get to pray with (you determine where - at school, at your homes, at church, over the phone). This is completely voluntary but completely AMAZING - so come join.

Tuesday: Pray for your family
Pray for any disunity that you may feel keeps your family’s focus away from God.

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