Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Here Please Take My Car

One summer God called me to go on a short-term mission trip to Venezuela. I worked in a small village where the people were not very well off. I remember bringing a lot of stuff that I was ready to give away like my t-shirts, running shoes, hats, and etc… I remember in all the ways I wanted to give and have them ready our team, I was the most moved by what one of the locals was willing to give to the church. There was one man that came to one of our outreach evangelistic meetings and accepted Christ in his life. He then said that he wanted to give but the only thing that he really owned was his car. So he gave his car. He knew the church was in great need and knew even in his poor financial state that he wanted to give his car to God for His use.

Read 2 Corinthians 8:1-7

The Macedonian church was hit with great poverty and was really poor. However, they knew that God was doing some special things and that there was need in the movement in Jerusalem to spread the gospel. So the Macedonian church gave generously and also with great joy. I mean they looked at how great of a feeling it was to give and truly be cheerful givers.

I sometimes think that are willing to give but it is out of duty or begrudgingly. We can’t believe God would call us to give up something that we either worked so hard to get or that someone so generously gave us. However, if we really remember the generosity that was given to us by Jesus, shouldn’t we have a cheerful attitude in giving? Also shouldn’t there be no holds bar on our giving? I remember when we were at LIFE 2007 and there was a time where we were called to give anything in these sacks. We could give finances as well as our goods. I remember stories of people giving up things like their watches, gameboys, and etc…. But the most challenging was when a woman that gave up her engagement ring.

This isn’t a call and challenge to go give up everything you own. However, start thinking about the ways you look at your resources. Do you view them as yours, or God’s? If they are God’s then how do you really use them and allow God to be the true owner? Also, when you are called to give, do you hesitate or do you give generously and cheerfully?

1 comment:

  1. For more ideas on being a Cheerful Giver, you may want to visit the Cheerful Giver charity at www.cheerfulgivers.org
