Thursday, April 15, 2010

Believe in the Force

What makes Olympic athletes so focused and determined? Why do they work so hard to get to the Olympic arena? The obvious answer is that they strive for the coveted Gold Medal. Yet, are they really striving for the medal itself? I mean if I really wanted one I would just go to the Federal Reserve, buy some gold, and get it smelted into a Gold Medal; Steven Han, Olympic Guitar Hero Champion! But there is something missing. One day when I’m gone, that medal will just fade away into dust. So what is it that those Olympians are going for? It is the glory, the victory, the culmination and realization of dreams and hard work! Do you notice what they all have in common? They all are intangible and unseen; ages later the names of these Olympic medalists will be known, and the glory they achieved will live on forever. Physical things like money, gold, cars, clothes, and X-boxes are so temporary, but glory, honesty, and selflessness will live on forever. So my question to you is, which one would you want to hold on to?

Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

The glory of the Olympic Gold is NOTHING compared to the glory of attaining our salvation. Olympic athletes worked physically for years to attain what they do, but we Christians fight emotionally, mentally, and physically to conquer the scariest foe of all: sin. The glory is not ours though, because we as humans did jack squat in the long run. It all goes to God, and God’s glory will live on forever. Though as each second passes we get nearer to our physical deaths, we also get closer to our unseen eternal rebirth! Do not fix yourself upon things like money, girlfriends/boyfriends, video games, facebook, and even school. Because if you reach for those, once you are gone there will be no trace of you left - neither on Earth nor in Heaven. But if you reach for honesty, selflessness, Jesus’ love, goodness, kindness, patience, etc. one day you will open your eyes and find yourself right next to Jesus Christ. And you will leave this dirty, broken world behind and live on forever with the one who loves you more than the trees, the sky, the oceans.

Devotional Prayer:
Heavenly Father, I praise You for the promise You have given to me! I rejoice in the prospect of eternal life with You! Please draw my attention away from the things of the disgusting world, as they are useless and temporary. Make eye contact with me – make my attention fixed on You and Your Son Jesus Christ, so that I may strive for the unseen and one day find myself kneeling before You!

In Jesus’ name I pray,

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