Thursday, October 8, 2009

Steven Special Devo

What up everybody! Today is another special devo for me where I have free reign to write about anything. This week, I want to address living out a Christian lifestyle at school, because if we want to be lights to our peers, then we have to allow Christ to pour out of every action we make. So I’m going to go over the tenets of behavior that I have observed and tried to live out. But first, I want you to fill out this list. If you’re non-Christian peers at school wanted to put you on trial for being a Christian, what evidence would they have? Write it here:

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Ok. Now keeping these things you wrote down in mind, let us examine what I call the marks of the Christian student. First, I think it’s incredibly important to keep the Tongue in check. Swearing, rumors, and racism are not things that we should be falling to, especially swearing. The Bible tells us that the tongue, which is such a small muscle, can be the root for many evils. My friend goes to a Korean church, but when I saw him in math class every day he always dropped a bomb here and there, and this year when someone told me he was Christian I was like, “Really?!” Because the things he said did not portray him to be a follower of God. So now the question is, “how do we keep our tongue from wagging?” Well the only thing really is to tell ourselves, “I will not swear, tell rumors, or make inappropriate jokes.” Set a goal for yourself. I myself was pleasantly surprised when one of my friends told me, “How come you never swear?” I’m still battling this though because when I get angry sometimes something will slip out.

The next thing I want to address is Love. Does someone annoy you, or is there something about someone that just bothers you? I know every one of you can answer yes to this. For me, there is this one kid who used to annoy me to no end. Every time he sees me he tells me he want to breakdance battle with me and starts dancing in the hallway, and he would follow me everywhere, hit on my sister, and never think before he speaks. This is still a challenge to me, and something that really helped was to humor him. If he wanted to dance battle with me in the hallways and started breaking it down in a crowded area, then I’d say, “Man you just owned me, I’ve got nothing, so I won’t even try.” And just walk away. Whenever he said something stupid, I’d just shake my head and laugh. I’m still trying to deal with him hitting on Karen though, so if you have any ideas, please share. All in all, I’ve started making friends with him. So the point is, if someone annoys you or something bothers you, tell yourself to let go and relax, and little by little, we grow in our love. These two things are BIG in our walks with Christ, because by changing ourselves inside, we subsequently change our outsides and then lead by example.
Pray and ask God to help you recognize what you should change. Write down some goals you want to set for yourself this year.





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