Friday, October 2, 2009


Read Acts 10:9-23

If you take this passage for the literal sense, one of you guys would say, “God is calling us to not be vegetarian.” Though it may seem like it, that is NOT the point God is trying to get across to us. At a glance, it talks about food and Peter is trying to stay kosher.

God says, “Kill and eat... Do not call anything impure that God has made pure.” Here we can make a connection from food to people. I know we're not food, but God has also purified us no matter what we've done and no matter what background we come from. Jesus died for EVERYBODY's sin. That includes those rapists, killers, and gangsters out there. And when they realize God and turn their lives around, it makes their testimony even more beautiful. We praise God for it.

When God calls us to “not call anything impure that God has made pure,” he calls us to not look down on those who have just came to Christ or are not as “strong” in their faith. Because God has made them pure.

God calls us out to set our customs and traditions aside for his work. We should be called out of our little bubbles. It's about time we should show God's love to everybody including those huge losers at your school. Wait, they aren't losers because God has already made them pure. But we should be reaching out. We should be “trying new foods” by hanging out with other groups and being a salt and light to them.

Reflect and pray upon this passage again.

Pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ.

1 comment:

  1. My suggestion: that last paragraph - read 5 times. If you like singing the song "Mighty to Save", then that paragraph is what you should be doing.
