Friday, October 9, 2009

See no evil, Speak no evil, Hear no evil

Read Acts 13:1-12

I'm going to use an image from Lord of the Rings to depict what is happening in Cyprus. If any have read The Two Towers, it's a great book. But we start off where Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, and Gandalf ride to Rohan's capital Edoras. They're going there because they need King Theoden's aid in the battle against Saruman. But Theoden doesn't do anything. This is because of Theoden's most trusted advisor, Grima Wormtongue, who was also Saruman's spy. So the evil lies and false information that Wormtongue gives has caused Theoden to become blind to his actions. Therefore, when Gandalf arrives, he banishes Wormtongue from Rohan so that Theoden returns to his normal self.

What's the point?

I don't mean to be judgmental or pessimistic or even accusing. But I'm saying that we should watch out for bad influences in our lives. Because sometimes we don't see what we are doing and become blind to our actions. We shouldn't stop doing those bad things only because they're bad, but because they are hindering our walk with God. Sometimes, it even takes someone else to point it out to us.

Usually, when someone points out one of our weaknesses, we snap back at them. “What do you know about me!? Why are you judging me!? Back off!” That is definitely not the type of attitude we should be displaying. Instead we should be humble and accept their criticism, whether or not it is constructive. And we should realize that we're not perfect people, we're far from perfect. This is why we need to strive to become a holy people, so that we can be a more accurate reflection of God.

Pray and reflect upon this passage.

Pray for humbleness.


FRIDAY - Pray for the Church (Big C)
Pray for the Church to be a body of “A United People”

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