Thursday, February 23, 2012

Hard to Believe - John 6:60-71

In the previous passage we read about Jesus instructing his followers to “feed on his flesh” and “drink his blood”. We now come to see how his disciples reacted to Jesus’ statement and the decisions they made in response.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal the meaning of God’s words as you turn to the Scriptures.

Read John 6:60-71

Upon hearing what Jesus said about his flesh & blood, many of the disciples found his words hard to believe. In actuality, they were misinterpreting Jesus’ figurative statement to be literal. They may have thought, “What? Eat Jesus’ body & drink his blood?! That’s gross! That’s wrong!” Of course it is. That’s cannibalism, certainly not something condoned by the Bible. This did not make sense to the disciples. However, instead of seeking clarification, they were quick to put off Jesus’ words as simply too much to take in. They could not humble themselves and admit that they were not smart enough to understand on their own. What are some things from Jesus’ teachings or elsewhere in the Bible that you have difficulties understanding? Have you sought clarifications on these things?

Jesus, knowing that the disciples were grumbling about what he had just said, provoked them even more by asking them to consider his own ascension into heaven. If a figurative speech is a stumbling block to them, how will they wrap their minds around Jesus rising from the dead and entering into heavenly glory? These things are impossible, unheard of! Just as these disciples cannot understand, we also cannot understand the mysteries of God: His words & plans, His power & glory without the help of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus says, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by the Father” (v. 65). The message of the cross and the things that Jesus taught are not natural to us as sinners; they are even offensive to many! Without the Spirit, we simply cannot understand or accept these things. So if we do have knowledge of these truths, it is not because we are so smart but because God has revealed them to us. And if we have difficulties understanding these truths, we cannot muster up more intelligence to discern them, but we must choose to turn to God and ask Him to help us understand.

Verse 66 shows us that many disciples decided to leave Jesus at this juncture and go their own ways. They are not alone. Throughout the ages and even on this very day, people will choose to part ways with Jesus whom they followed for a little while but have now come to find as too much to take. Perhaps because Jesus demands total repentance of sins. Perhaps because Jesus claims that he is the only way to salvation. Perhaps because Jesus teaches that homosexuality, abortion, & adultery are wrong. Whatever the reasons, Jesus has made them too uncomfortable.

We find that in John 6, there were also a small group of people who chose to follow Jesus then and all the way. They recognized that Jesus had “the words of eternal life” and that he is “the Holy One of God” (v. 69). Jesus also made them very uncomfortable. But they realized that this was a holy discomfort. They were being refined, disciplined, and challenged to become more like Christ, the Son of God. Which group of people are you part of? Remember that the decision is to follow Christ all the way or not follow him at all.

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