Friday, February 3, 2012

Faith in Miracles - John 4:43-54

Read John 4:43-54

In the previous passages before this, John writes about what Jesus had done in Samaria. Throughout the journey, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman and tells her about the living water that only He provides. The Samaritan woman proclaimed to the town of who this man is and what He had done. Many people had believed on that day in the Son of God. It was time for Jesus to head towards Galilee after His work in Samaria.

This is where the passage begins. In verse 44, it states that Jesus himself had testified that a prophet has no honor in his hometown. Jesus does not stay around in the Samaritan town for long because in order to make the gospel known, He must go to places that have not seen His works. Tie this into your own life. Ask yourself, “Am I only being a light to those who I know well or are my friends?” Take note and act on how Jesus did. He didn’t stay in one place that was comfortable to Him. He moved around and shared the good news to people that haven’t heard about Him.

As we come into the main point of the passage, verse 46 says that he came again to Cana in Galilee where he made water into wine. Jesus has already been here before and has come again to work wonders. This time there was an official whose son was ill. In this story, Jesus heals the official’s son, people believe, and this is the second sign that Jesus did when he was in Galilee. That’s the gist of this passage.

But as we look deeper, the underlying message is found before, during, and after, the events that take place. Before, Jesus had been doing many miracles, healing the sick and needy, etc. Even before the official’s son was healed, the official himself had been seeking Jesus, to ask Him to heal his son. Think. People were seeking Jesus not for what His teachings were, but for what He could do to help themselves (the people seeking Jesus). Are you looking for Jesus only for what He can do for you? Or are you looking for the truth and messages that Jesus brings? Which one is vital to you?

During the event of the official asking Jesus to heal his son, Jesus says, “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe”. The Lord is sort of challenging not only the official but also the Galilean people not to rely on the miracles and wonders that Jesus does. Although, throughout the gospels, Jesus does many miracles to show the world that He is the Son of Man, He does not want us to have faith because of the things we see. Jesus wants us to have faith in God, not because of the material possessions He can give us or the healings that He can make happen. Jesus wants us to have faith in God because He is the only true joy and the only thing that will satisfy our soul for eternity.

Finally, after we see that Jesus had healed the official’s son, we see that the whole household believed in the Son of Man. Jesus uses these signs and wonders to show that he really is the Lord. Jesus himself had healed the child after He had said, “Your son will live”. Although the Lord doesn’t want us to have faith in Him only because of the works He does, Jesus healed the sick, was comforting to the needy, and shared with the poor, and performed many miracles. He showed us many signs that He was the Son of Man.

Reflect on this passage more and listen to what God has to say to you. What are some ways you can strengthen your faith in Christ? Don’t just seek Jesus for the works and miracles He can give, but seek Him for the truth. Be a light to everyone as well, not just those you’re comfortable with. Bring the good news to everyone.

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