Monday, October 25, 2010

God Please Provide Me a Wife

Have you ever thought about what your future spouse will be like? Have you ever dreamed when that will be? Have you ever prayed for your future spouse? I remember being a 12 year old boy and the pastor’s wife came up to me and told me, you should start praying for your future wife right now. I said, “What? Are you serious? I just started liking girls, I should pray about the girl I am going to marry?” But she was very serious and told me the importance of praying then. I look back and understand the need to pray for a future spouse but I want to add something to that. You can pray for it, but realize God will provide in His timing and will provide for you. However, you have to continue to live faithfully and obediently until that time comes. So make the most of your singleness and see it as valuable. God has very special things he wants you to do and understand as a single person. Then in God’s timing, He will provide.

Read Genesis 24:1-28

I have truly been blessed that God has provided Annie in my life as a loving wife. I remember before Annie came into the picture though, there were times when I really wondered if God was going to provide for me. For a very long time, I wanted so badly to be married and to have a family. It was starting to be hard to trust in God’s goodness and His provision not finding that special woman that I would spend the rest of my life with in holy matrimony.

I remember my mom telling me the criteria for my future wife while I was still single. She said that 1st she must be Christian. Well – that was a given. She had to play piano. (I said, “ huh? why?”) Well, you are preparing to be a pastor so your wife must be able to play piano. (ah,….i guess so). Next, she had to be really dedicated to the church and love serving. Lastly, she had to be really organized because I was so unorganized. She said that was last but I also knew deep down she really wished that she would be Taiwanese.

My mom is the prayer warrior type that prays fervently, diligently and faithfully every day. So I knew she was praying these things for me and for my future wife. So fast-forward to me and my wife, Annie. Yes, she is a Christian. Next, she doesn’t just play piano but she is a piano professor at Washington University in St. Louis. Next, she used to be a deacon at her church as she was really dedicated and loved serving her church. Lastly, she is SUPER organized and detailed. And the unspoken lastly, she is very Taiwanese. God answered my mom’s prayers and went abundantly over them.
We just trust that God would provide and in his provision just as Abraham trusted that his servant would be led by God to provide a wife for Isaac. He knew that he could trust in God’s provision as their family lived faithfully following God and His desires.
Will you trust in God’s timing? In God’s provision? Will you live faithfully and follow His desires?

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