Friday, September 25, 2009

A Blind Man Sees

Sometimes, we try to do things our way. We may be very successful or unsuccessful. But that's not important because either way God will intervene.

Read Acts 9:1-19

Saul, here, was a pretty successful Jew. He persecuted Christians with every breath that he took and with every action that he made. It was pretty intense. And he justified his actions in the name of God. And he was just minding his little business when Jesus just comes down and just takes away his sight just like that. No questions asked, it just happened.

Reread Acts 9:4-9

This was his physical sight that was taken away. But not only was he physically blind, Saul was spiritually blind. He was not able to see the truth of Jesus being the Son of God and the crucifixion as well as resurrection of Jesus. So God gave him a little nudge saying, “Hey Saul, this is the real deal.” And what is Saul's response? When Saul had his sight restored by Ananias, he also overcame his spiritual blindness and now understands the truth. Not only does he convert, but he also gets baptized. Baptism is not just dunking someone in water, it's making a public declaration of your own faith.

God is working in big and small ways by pushing and nudging people along in their faith. But it is up to us whether we want to see those changes in our faith happen.
“... The Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” - Acts 9:17

Pray that you may overcome your own spiritual blind spots.

Pray that you may be filled with the Holy Spirit so that God can strengthen your faith.

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