Thursday, March 8, 2012

Distractions - John 12:27-50

Before you start this time of devotionals, take a few moments to pray and ask the Spirit of Jesus Christ to teach you what is in the scripture. Ask the Lord to give you an open mind and heart to interpret the word for what it is with no preconceived notions. Prepare your heart and mind.

Read John 12:27-50

Verse 27 = Jesus shows anxiety and horror for the coming wrath of God. That he must bear it all for the sins of the world on that cross.

Verse 31 = He is referring to Satan as the “ruler of this world” and it is true. Satan has an overwhelming influence on today’s world just as much as before. Here, however, Jesus is talking about the victory at the cross in his resurrection over Satan.

Verse 35 = Here, Jesus calls his people to walk in his light and to not be taken over by darkness from the evil that fills the world. He tells the people that walking in darkness will cause them to be lost and wandering people, while believing in will himself will cause them to become “sons of light”. That applies to us as well. If we believe in him and abide in him, he will abide in us. We will be his children that shine life giving light.

Verses 37-43 = Although Jesus had done so many miracles and signs, the people still did not believe. Isaiah had predicted that Satan would blind their eyes and harden their hearts to the point where they could not see that they are a broken people who need to turn to Christ and receive healing.

This passage continues to say that even though some authorities did believe that Jesus was the Messiah, they sealed their mouths for fear of losing the glory that came from man, rather than fearing God himself. They didn’t want to be “put out of the synagogue”, so they never publicly recognized Jesus as the Messiah.

Verses 44-50 = At this point, Jesus CRIES out so maybe his words might penetrate their deafened ears. Just imagine the pain he must feel from knowing that after everything the people had seen his miracles, they still do not believe. His precious lambs are continuing to go astray, ignoring their shepherd that can see the wolf ahead.

Now, reread John 12:27-50 to further understand the message John and Jesus were trying to convey. Try and see the whole picture.

These people have consistently ignored Jesus even though He warned them that his light would only remain on earth for a little longer. But notice how Jesus never gives up on his people, not even at the very end. Just like he continually loves and shepherds them, he also nonstop seeks us and cares for us. Even when we ignore him or put earthly things before him, Jesus has open arms just begging for us to abide in him and reside in the pleasure and joy that comes from him, and not the world. If you have strayed and lost hope in the Lord, pray fervently that the Holy Spirit would give real desire to seek him with everything. With the words you speak, the actions you do, and the things you believe in may they all point to the one who deserves all the Glory.

Here is a list of different possible distractions from the Lord. Put a check next to the ones that you have put before Him, and ask him to give you perseverance and strength to change that (answer honestly to yourself and Jesus). Here are just a few…


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