Thursday, January 26, 2012

Water Into Wine - John 2:1-11

Before you begin this devotional, take a moment to pause, and just quiet your hearts. Don’t think about school, friends, or any other anxiety you may have in your life. This is your time with God. As you finish preparing your heart, start to read John 2:1-11.

From these verses alone, we are able to see some of the coolest things ever within the Bible. We see Jesus turn water into wine. Not only is that a miracle, it’s his FIRST miracle. Thus, from this, we can derive many things. However, first off, let us focus on the background a bit more, to a feel for what’s happening at the time.

Previously in chapter 1, Jesus has just encountered Nathanael and this is only a mere two days after that. It is still very early in his ministry, and in verse 4, we see Jesus say “my hour has not yet come”. As the audience, we all know Jesus is our saving grace, the Messiah. However, back then, a lot of people had many mistaken beliefs about the Messiah. Therefore, we can see that the time just isn’t ripe for Jesus to reveal himself. In fact, only the servants know about the miracle, and no one else. The miracle is done very subtly, but shows us many things.

Now to the miracle itself. John tells us that this was the first ever miracle, and as a result, his disciples believed in him. We see that Jesus turns water into wine yes, but even the wine is of high quality. I don’t know about you, but to me that’s amazing. I mean, God’s power is so awesome, so great, that he can just snap his fingers, and bam, water turned into win. Beyond that, we can also see how God provides for us. There was a wedding, and a lack of wine, but God, as merciful as he is, chooses to provide for it. It’s a bit mind blowing to just see these little aspects of God together, that he is so powerful, but at the same time so merciful to us.

Take some time to reread John 2:1-11

Then reflect. Take some time to praise God for everything he has done for you, and for his greatness. Worship him.

Leave a comment with prayers you have, key verses, or key ideas you want to remember.

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