Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Growing Faith - 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12

Read 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12

Take a moment to read this passage and meditate on it.

Paul acknowledges the perseverance and faith of his brothers, but it is not because of the hard times that they are going through, but because their faith is still strong. Their “faith is growing more and more” and their “love…is increasing.” This growth is coming from persevering through trials. How often we dread trials and the difficulties in life, when in fact they are opportunities to grow and to strengthen our spiritual lives!

In verses 5-12, Paul talks about the judgment at Christ’s coming and the idea of revenge. When he says, “God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you” (v.6) he does not say to take it into your own hands to exact revenge; God has reserved that right. God has made justice necessary, and that makes revenge necessary, but we are not the ones to carry it out; Paul is indicating that because of this, we are to endure without compromise, but also to look to God for justice.

In verse 8, Paul says “He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.” We are called to spread the gospel, and if we go about idling our way through life, then those who do not know God will never come to know God. Of course we aren’t all to pack our bags and go to a far away country to preach the gospel. Take some time to pray on what God is calling you to do, now and in the future.

At the end of this passage, Paul says “To this end we always pray for you, that our god may make you worthy of his calling…” (v.11). Staying faithful and being a light to everyone around us is one of our greatest challenges, impossible to do alone. And Paul informs his brothers that they are being prayed for, to continue to grow in their spiritual lives and to stay on the right track. Now take some time to meditate on those that God has placed on your heart, and pray for them and yourself to stay strong in God.

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