Friday, April 15, 2011

The Response of Forgiveness - Worship

Read Luke 23: 26-43

We’ve all heard the story before; this is the crucifixion of Jesus. It may take you back to younger days in Sunday School when the teacher would show a picture of a cross and all the little kids would ooh and ahh before asking for some more goldfish to snack on. We know the story, now how can we reflect on its meaning?

What does it mean for us to read about how Jesus was led to the hill to take on your sin? Maybe think of it through the eyes of a soldier or one of the other men being crucified as they watched him being beaten and mocked. How would it have looked through their eyes? Was it just another man being nailed to a cross or was it something that affected the lives of all those living and even not yet living through to this present day?

Reread the passage now through the eyes of whom you pick. Think of how it affected them and what it looked like as they watched it all unfold.

Think about worship- how you worship. When you are singing through words on a screen and when you are praying do you remember that you are praising the God who sent his son to take on the shame and sin of the entire world? Are those just words on a screen that you’ve come to memorize and recite like machines, or are they words that you are meditating on and consciously thinking of what you are saying? Think about how you pray, do you say the same things every time you talk with the Lord? Have those become words that you’ve grown so used to praying for that you don’t even realize it?

Spend time in prayer reflecting on how you can worship in a way that truly gives God the glory he deserves. Meditate on each and every line that you are singing, pray in a way that it does not become a structured checklist of things to pray for, but think of it like a conversation with your closest friend where you aren’t rushing to carry on with the rest of your day but you are there to spend time with them and to speak and listen while letting whatever comes to your mind and thoughts be lifted up to the God who is there listening. What little things can you do to make your “worship time” more of a lifestyle? What things are you doing during your day that aren’t letting God speak to you without you realizing it, what can you change to fill your life and mind with that will benefit you and your walk with Christ each and everyday?

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