Friday, February 5, 2010

Quit Your Jibber-Jabber!

Read and Reread James 3:1-12

Hey, shout out to all those leaders out there! Yeah, you're going to be judged with higher standards than those who aren't. I know we ain't perfect. We're going to trip and fall. And if anyone doesn't mess up what they say, they're perfect, because they're able to control their entire body. You know how we're able to make cars go where we want them to? We have a steering wheel. What about ships? They have those little rudders that control where they are going. Crazy eh? Something so small can control the direction of these things. Just like the tongue. Even though it is so small, it can do things that we don't know it can do.

You know those forest fires in California? Yup, those were started by a small spark. Our tongues are just like that small spark. We say a lot of bad things. Those bad things corrupt us and soon directs our life. Soon enough we're going to be set on fire by the fires of hell. Yeah, that's scary. You know, we've been able to subdue even the fiercest of biggest of animals such as the lion, killer whales, or rhinoceros'. But we're not even close to controlling what we say! What we can say can cause ruin and destruction. What we can say can also encourage and give life! How is this even possible? Destruction and life are completely opposite! This shouldn't be happening, brothers and sisters. It's just how water can not be fresh and salty at the same time. Or it's an apple tree growing oranges. It's not natural.

Your tongue! Control it!

It is easier said than done. And we can not do this by our strength alone. Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower you.

Reflect upon the ways that you can be encouraging. Not only to your brothers and sisters in Christ, but also to those at your school. This is a way that you can be a light to everybody.

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